Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Running can be fun...Say What?

Runner number 2 is back!

Okay so as my partner in crime said, the fun runs are the way to go! This semester we have run in two different runs. We had both heard about the color runs via some friends of ours who had either run one themselves or who was planning on running one themselves. Let me say this about the Color Run....IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!!! It was so much fun! It really is the "Happiest Race on the Planet!" We got all signed up and the only reason the race was happening was because people in Chicago begged for a fall race, so lets just say that we were pumped! Now as my partner mentioned how every kilometer a different color of "magical fairy dust" was thrown at us. Lesson learned, cover your mouth when running through the color sections. At the end the color explosion was so cool to watch! All the different colors exploding into a giant cloud of awesomeness, was really fun to see from a distance and to be in the middle of.  We were both covered in color, my hands were black, my face was purple and orange, and i had about four different colors in my hair. It took forever to come out and to get it all off my body, and it didn't even come out on the first try. I think it took about a week to get rid of all the colors, but it was well worth it.

Now for the Monster Dash! What my running buddy says is true....I had been complaining about her getting me into the half marathon and then I was the one convincing her to join this 5k. The look on her face was priceless, especially because I knew that she wasn't too keen on the whole idea of the skulls on all of the apparel that went with the race. I have to admit, the fact that there were skulls on everything kinda escaped my notice. Finally I convinced her to join in on this first of the fun runs. So we got all signed up and got our free hat, free jacket, and our bib numbers and we were off to head back to campus. And let me tell you it was a funny sight watching her put on the jackets and admitting that it was actually a nice running jacket. OH! I almost forgot about the costumes! Yes, we did dress up as Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and the costume judges were quite impressed with my Minnie Mouse voice (I was so excited). Seeing all the crazy costumes that people were running and walking in was quite an experience.

Anywho, running for fun is quite an awesome thing, and I learned a few things along the way as well. First, don't judge a race by the apparel because it could turn out to be a really fun race. Second, the color run will make your snot pretty colors for about a week, and it will get stuck in your ears. Third, SIGN UP FOR FUN RACES!

Adios from Runner 2.

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