Monday, October 29, 2012

The FUN runs!

Yes I said running can be fun. You just gotta know the races to register for and you're on your way to a blast! Sometimes literally.
On October 14th, my partner and I were at it again, but this run was only a 5k (about 3 miles). This was the Color Run! At every 1k checkpoint, a runner/walker was blasted with color! Orange, Yellow, Blue and Pink were our check points. Also, each participant was given their very own color packet for the end of the race to throw at the Color Festival. They also threw out free packets to those lucky enough to catch them (which I am proud to say my buddy and I were both able to get extra!)
Now, you have to understand that the Color Festival produces this HUGE color cloud that sweeps over everyone. By the end of this even, we were absolutely covered from head to toe in a multitude of colors. The hardest part of the entire event was getting the stuff off after. My armpits were blue for days and my scalp took about two weeks until I didn't find anymore discoloration. But it was totally worth every bit of magical fairy dust!
Another race we decided to do has a funny story behind it:
We're at the expo to pick up our race packets for the Chicago Half and just ambling around. We come across this big orange booth with skulls everywhere! A lady starts talking to us about this run, and my good friend gets really excited and says, "What do you think? Let's do it!" Yes, this is the same friend that had just spent a week chewing me out for getting her into the Half in the first place! Haha. Well, as exciting as another race sounded, I couldn't get past all the skulls on their merchandise (especially the jacket with the entirety of one sleeve decked out in skulls that you got for free when you signed up). So she's all into it, and all I can say is "But there's skulls down the sleeve." Well, we ended up signing up for the Monster Dash 5k and walked out about 15 minutes later wearing skulls down our sleeves. The reason the Monster Dash is a "fun run" is because it's just a big costume race! There's even a judged competition for them. We went as Mickey and Minnie. And it was so much fun because we also got candy for the trick-or-treat locations along the route :)

Lessons that I learned:
      1) Close mouth when running through the color zones on the Color Run!
      2) Your snot turns pretty colors after the Color Run.
      3) Always remember to take your inhaler before checking in your bag to gear check (which I
          forgot to do at the Monster Dash)
      4) Finding fun runs to do makes it so much easier and enjoyable to stay in shape :)

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