Saturday, April 13, 2013

Oh how good it feels!

Hey y'all! It certainly has been awhile!

Well today was my first run in about a month and it went great! Today was the first group run at my school for Team World Vision! I am so excited to be a part of Team World Vision and run the half marathon to raise money for clean water in Africa! Even though it was a little chilly at 7:30 this morning we had a pretty good turn out and split into a more experience runners group and a more beginners group. There were so many people who had never  run a big race like the Half or the Full marathon before and it was great to see them come out! So congrats to everyone who finished our first day of training! I am so pumped to start running every day again! And I even have my roommate and more friends to run with this year, which make me and my partner in crime very happy indeed! :)

Anyway after having a half marathon and a full summer of training under my belt I want to give a few pointers to some of the new runners out there!

1)      YOU CAN DO IT! 
a)      Don't worry if you have never run before or if you are slower than you would like. If you follow a good training schedule you will be able to run that race that you are working up to. Last year when I started I could barely run a mile and now I can easily go 3 on a good day and after training I will hopefully be able to run the whole 13.1 miles this year without walking. And so can you!!!

2)      HYDRATE!
a)      Drink water and lots of it. Hydrating now will help you for the race. I didn’t hydrate enough last year and my calves seized up big time and it was awful. This also means staying away from caffeine as much as possible (I know this is hard for me too, so start with limiting your soda intake and move on from there).

3)      STRETCH!
a)      Stretching both before and after a run is a must. Stretching before warms up your muscles and gets them moving. Stretching after prevents cramps. I suggest stretching in the shower after you run because the water helps relax your muscles as well!

a)      No but seriously do it. I ran in walking shoes last year unknowingly and it really messed up my knees and shins. I could barely walk ( Runner 1 can tell you how bad it was…she even made one of our friends carry me to our apartment building). If you can go to a store that specializes in running gear and have them help you find the shoes that are right for your feet and how you run. You won’t regret it I promise!

a)      A running buddy could make all the difference in the world (even if you live in two different states).  They are the ones who will push you to keep going and will encourage you and tell you that you can and will succeed. Or if there is a group of runners in your area join up with them and get to running!
And last but not least…
a)      Encouragement can do a lot for new runners and even experienced runners. Last year at the Chicago Half Marathon there was a family of runners who encouraged everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE). Even if it is only a high five and you run past or if it is a shout of encouraging words telling them that they can do it, it really makes your day come mile 9, 10…etc.
Well I hope this helps the new runners or anyone who is thinking about running. It really is a great feeling! I can’t wait to continue training! See you all in Chicago!
AdiĆ³s from Runner 2!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It's been awhile

So last week my partner in crime and I decided to go for a run in the field house (I despise treadmills) and we were delighted and very surprised with the results! We decided that 2 miles was probably going to be our max for the day seeing as I haven't run since our two fun runs in October and she hasn't run since our Christmas break. So two miles it was, we walked a warm up lap and then it was off to the races.  We were both running at a pretty steady pace until I got a cramp and had to walk a half a lap, but I was determined to make up for lost time! We ended up running our 2 miles with a 9 minute mile time (that's better than my mile time last year!). We were super pumped let me tell you! So we celebrated by shooting some hoops (a story for another time).

Now a week or two later I'm sitting at home on my spring break wishing I could go run, but I CAN'T! Why is that you ask? Because it's snowing, that's right, snowing....IN MARCH! I'm so frustrated that I can't work on keeping that 9 minute mile time, but I'm even more frustrated because I can't go run when I'm upset! (Some of you probably think I am crazy right about now).

To put your minds at ease about this lets imagine something with me okay? Cool, so imagine that you had a bad day or you are just really frustrated with someone/something (got an image?) what do you do to burn off steam? Some people clean, some people cook, some people scream and punch things, I on the other hand RUN. Running is such a good way to release pent up energy and emotions (especially with a good running mix to listen to along the way). Besides it gets your blood flowing and energizes you for the day. I always feel great after I run (even if I am sore, tired, sweaty, or all of the above) and I really wish I could right now. Alas I cannot until this snow goes away or I get back to school (which is like a week away, so I'm kinda stuck). Oh well I guess I will have to find some other ways to relax :)

Adios from Runner 2!